Reflective Summary for Topic 1

After reading my fellow classmate’s blogs, I realize there is lots of points that I did not bring it up or I didn’t think thoroughly, but on the other hand, we all get roughly the same information from the same websites.

From Xiu Zhen’s post:

QQ图片20141128165244  Sorry about the quality:D.

I do believe that ‘Visitors’ can also be ‘Resident’, I have seen my friends, they do have a Facebook account or a Instagram account, but they barely post anything on it, most of the time they just check out other people’s status, leave some comments or double taps for like.  And I saw lots of people mentioned about the relationship of ageing with the online user either they are a digital visitor or digital resident. Why I didn’t write this in my blog is because I think this is not a certain thing. You can’t just say, you are 50 years old, so you are not supposed to be a digital resident. But I admit the high percentage of people who are digital visitor are normally in a young age.

And what is lack of in my post is I did mention about from digital visitor to digital resident, but I never think of the opposite way, actually it can be from digital resident to digital visitor. Well, it can be a lot of reasons causes this, such as, cyber bullying.

And I really enjoy reading different posts from my different classmate, I can know more about their online experience and what has lack of in my post so I can improve and conduct a better post next time.

Thanks for taking time to read this guys~ Have a wonderful weekend and go ahead enjoy with the loved one! See you on next monday~ bye🙂

Li Lai Yeung

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